RFP - Tree Pruning and Removal Services
The City of Vallejo is seeking contractors to perform routine pruning and removal of those City trees with the most outstanding maintenance needs as determined by the City Landscape Inspector in accordance with, current service requests and consultations with the selected Contractor. The tree maintenance work to be performed is detailed in Technical Specifications (Section 2). Examples of the work include, but are not limited to, grid pruning of street trees fronting City owned properties, canopy reduction pruning of mature trees, work in areas with limited vehicular access, as well as structural pruning of trees and grid pruning on neighborhood streets in selected areas of the City to assist paving crews. The annual budget for this contract is approximately $475,000 funding for services beyond June 30, 2020 will be included in future City budgets but is subject to City Council approval of annual appropriations.
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Tree Services RFP_080819-FINAL | 565.5 KB |